Monday, August 19, 2013


NM Eric Godin v Mateos Sahakian, Round 1.
Godin went undefeated to win the event with 3.5 points.
 Carey Theil b v Jason Tang, Round 3.
Theil scored 3 points to share 2-3rd place.
(background): Carissa Yip v Uri Feld.
NM Hal Terrie b v Brian Perez-Daple, Round 3.
Terrie scored 3 points to share 2-3rd place.
Rohan Shankar v Lucy Cai, Round 4.
(background): Nithin Kavi vs Brandon Wu
Daniel Wang, (upper right) observes.
Nithin Kavi, Mateos Sahakian  and Siddarth Arun scored 
2.5 points to share 2-3rd place.
Veteran Mike Griffin plays black vs 9 yr old Lucy Cai, Round 3: draw!
Lucy, playing "up" in the Open Section is fast
perfecting her chess technique.
Suraj Ramanathan wins U1800 section with 3.5 points.
Suraj from Chennai (Tamil Nadu/Madras) whose family
comes from the same region as the current world
chess champion: Viswanathan Anand and the
mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (1878-1920),
carries on in the tradition of great, calculating minds,
and shares the Tamil Language with these personalities of history.
And like his countrymen, Suraj is a gentleman
and a joy to share chess with.
Suraj plays black vs Richard Kahn in Round 4: draw.
Richard scored 2.5 points to share 2-3rd place with 
Michael Yu.
                                                                                                             Photo: ChessPress
Steve Stepak v Michael Yu, Round 1.
Critical position: find the draw. . .
"I considered the correct move. But it was too ugly.
So I made the more aesthetic move and quickly lost."
Bravo Michael, who scored 2.5 points to share 2-3rd place!
New facees in the field:
Tom Shneer plays Jackson Parker, Round 3.
Welcome Tom and Jackson!
(background): Ray Behenna plays Tony DiNosse.
Mr. Ram Ramanathan and family: wife Savi,
4 yr old son Bharat and 9 yr old chess prodigy Suraj.
Relocating from Chicago, they are now living in Canton, MA.
Welcome Ramanathan family.
And a "thank you & well done" to TD Nathan Smolensky
who is setting up the pairings for
Nithin Kavi, Carissa Yip and Jasen Tang,
who, as you can see, can't wait to see 
with whom they are going to play!
Some of the kids of the BCC: (left to right)
in pre-tournament warm-ups:
Eddie Wei, Suraj Ramanathan, Daniel Wang, Michael Yu
and Brandon Wu.
Grand Prix update //
including August results
U2400: Eric Godin 20; Hal Terrie 7.5; Andrew Wang 5.
 U2200: Jesse Nicholas 19.5; Carey Theil 9.5; Emmanuel Mevs 4;
Arthur Nugent 4; Joe Perl 3; Timothy Sage 3; Luis Baez-Rosario 2.5;
Siddhardt Arun 2.5; Philip Nutzman 2; Tony Blum 1.5.
U2000: Nithin Kavi 13.5; Carissa Yip 12; Mike Griffin 10;
Jason Tang 10; Arthur Tang 8; Mateos Sahakian 7.5;
Sandeep Vadlamudi 7; Michelle Chen 6.5; Conway Xu 6; 
Brandon Wu 4.5; Loring Lauretti 4;
Jerry Williams 4.0; Uri Feld 3.5; Luke Lung 3;  Nathan Smolensky 3;  
Ross Eldridge 2.5; Aashish Welling 2.5; Joel Wald 2; Armen Martirosyan 2; 
Seth Lieberman 2; Bowen Wang 2; Walter Driscoll 2; Oliver Traldi 2;
Harold Dondis, 2; Brian Perez-Daple 2; Rohan Shankar 2; Aidan Sowa 1.5;  
James McConville 1.5; Katherine Gasser 1; Allen Wang 1; Syed Al-Mamun 1; 
Natasha Christiansen 1; Robert Neale 1; S. Chandrashekar 1. Lucy Cai, .5.
U1800: Rohan Shankar 8; Tony Cortizas 7; Harold Dondis 6.5;
Eric Matthews 3; James Byrd 2; Robert Holmgren 1.5. 
U1600: David Martin 11; Chen Bai 8.5; Eddie Wei 8; Richard Mooney 8;
Daniel Giaimo 7.5; Steve Stepak 7.5; Eric Feng 6.5;
William Wisdom 5.5; Gabriel Birzu 4.5;
Andrew Okoh 4;  Maxwell Zhao 3.5; Eddie Wang 3; Kevin Anthony 3; 
Matthew Lee 2.5; Richard Kahn 2.5; Mark O'Brien 2; Bernard Coleman 1.5;
Raymond Behenna 1.5.
U1400: Lucy Cai 8; Sandeep Shankar 8; Brandon Wu 6; Daniel Wang 6; 
Michael Yu 5; Aaron Brown 2.5; Christopher Burkhart 1.5; Pooja Welling 1.5; 
Ron Riley 1. 
U1200: Larry Jin 7; David Sun 7; Anthony DiNosse 7; Richard Chen 5.5;
 Edward Chiu 2.5; Winston Zhao 2; 
Tom Shneer / Sammi Pan/ Ji Tuo / Alexander Shi Jin /; Derek Jin /& Eric Han 1.

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