Tuesday, October 07, 2014

You're Invited to a Special Meeting for the Boylston Chess Foundation

Dear Friends,

Please join us next week at the 2014 Boylston Chess Foundation Annual meeting.

This event will take place on Wednesday, October 15.  At 6:30 PM, the Board will provide an update on the status of our space, and our state and federal filings. At 7:00 PM, we will hold our annual election of Officers and Directors. All members are welcome.

Many board members are working hard to ensure that the BCF continues to exist for years to come. This organization is what we make it. Please do your part and join us on this important night.

Finally, please consider running as an Officer or Director. As one of the oldest chess organizations in the United States, we are truly a cultural institution. Let's work together to keep the tradition going!

For the entire BCF Board,
Carey Theil, President

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