Wednesday, February 04, 2015

New BCF Membership Rates, Renew or Extend Now!

In order to afford our beautiful new home, the Boylston Chess Foundation is updating some of our policies.

Starting on March 1, our new membership rates will be:

  • Regular Adult: $150/year; $84/six months
  • Junior (under 18): $120/year; $67/six months
  • Senior Adult (65+): $120/year; $67/six months
  • Family (parents and children in a single household): $180/year; $100/six months
These rates continue to be a bargain, and are lower than other high-level chess clubs. Membership comes with many benefits including entry fee discounts, free championship tournaments, and the use of our extensive chess library.

Also note that these new rates don't take effect until March 1. Please consider renewing or extending your membership, so that you can take advantage of the old rates while they are still in effect.

Our non-profit organization depends on your support. Being a member means that you support one of the oldest chess organizations in the United States, and are part of a truly special community.

Please renew or extend your membership today. Together, we can ensure that the BCF thrives for years to come!

For the entire BCF Board,
Carey Theil, President

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