Tuesday, May 19, 2015

vigorito lecture and simul

Lecture and Simultaneous Exhibition

Psychological Insights 
Beating a Higher Rated Opponent

 Tuesday, June 2
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

IM David Vigorito

IM David Vigorito, highly renowned chessplayer, instructor, and author, will speak on the basis of personal experience and success about various strategies for approaching games against higher-rated players. He will demonstrate how he applies these principles in his own play. The lecture will be interactive, with questions from the audience welcome. 

Time permitting, a question and answer session, open to any chess-related discussion, will follow. 

Finally, IM Vigorito will play a simultaneous exhibition against the audience members.

A buffet dinner will be provided for all attendees.

IM David Vigorito

  • highly experienced trainer of scholastic tournament players and has coached players of all levels up to and including Grandmasters
  • ·author of eight highly acclaimed chess books
  • ·USCF 2517; FIDE 2422
  • 2007 Massachusetts Champion
  • 2009 and 2012 New England co-champio
  • former state champion of New Hampshire and Nevada
  • player and manager of New England Nor’easters, U.S. Chess League 2010 Champions

Admission:      $15 BCF members, $25 non-members

Location:         Boylston Chess Foundation

    40 Norris St., Suite B103

     Cambridge, MA 02140

Phone:             470 223-1919

E-mail:             boylstonchess@gmail.com



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