Monday, July 20, 2015

Summer Scorcher Premier

Summer Scorcher Premier

Saturday, Jul 25, 2015


The first leg of the Summer Scorcher Premier did not sizzle - lack of participants resulted in the cancellation of the first two rounds.  Whether it was because of the attraction of the competing Tornado or the excitement of the Bradley Open or the lure of the beach...for whatever reason, 1800s and above chose to spend the first Saturday of the Summer Scorcher Premier elsewhere.

Have no fear...the second leg will go on as planned on July 25, with two half-point byes for the first two rounds given to all participants and the same prize guarantees (1st $100, 2nd $50, U2000 $50).  Hope to see you then.

4SS; 30/90, SD/30; d5. 
EF: $35, $20 BCF members in advance; $5 more at door. Advanced payment must be received by 7/16 or via PayPal by 7/17. 
Open to players rated 1800 and above. Higher of July supplement or live rating used for eligibility purposes. 
Prizes: $$200 guaranteed: $100, $50; U2000 $50. 
Registration 9:15 to 9:45. Rounds 10:30am, 3:30pm. 
Rds 1, 2 on 7/18; 
Rds 3, 4 on 7/25. 
This event is a BCF fundraiser - free entry coupons are not allowed.

If you can't make it to Biel, come to Cambridge ...

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