Monday, December 14, 2015

Harold Dondis 1922-2015

Harold Dondis was born on October 1, 1922 in Rockland, Maine.  He was a lawyer, graduating from Harvard Law School in 1945.  

Harold Dondis has been at the heart of the chess world, for decades. Dondis had a great interest in the game of chess and founded the U.S. Chess Trust. This Trust became the charitable arm of the U.S. Chess Federation. He wrote the chess column for the Boston Globe for over 50 years, first appearing in 1964.   He is considered the Dean of New England Chess Journalists.

He was a leader in Massachusetts and New England chess.
He is a former president of the Massachusetts State Chess Association (MSCA).  In 1967, he co-founded the U.S. chess Trust with Ed Edmondson.

And he was a constant player at the Boylston Chess club since at least the 60's.  Harold was a great benefactor to the Boylston year in and year out.  He helped make the move to our new Cambridge location possible.
When the board wanted to recognize his support by dedicating a room in his name, he deferred, requested that it be called the Harry Lyman room instead.

BCF president Carey Theil and Harold Donis at the naming ceremony this summer.                               Photo: Tony Cortizas, Jr.

He will always be remembered in the same breath as other New England chess giants and friends as Harry Lyman and John Curdo.

Directors of the MSCA in 1957:    seated far right, H. Dondis;   standing, second from left, H. Lyman                  Photo: LV Kramer    Chess Horizons November December 1989

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