Monday, February 01, 2016


IM Alexander Katz, MIT freshman, shared 1-2nd place in Open 
Section with 3.5 points.  Here he is playing black, in Round 3, vs 
NM Ryan Sowa: draw!  Katz went 2454-2455 rating-wise and 
Sowa scored 3 points for a share of 3-8th moving up 
2199-2210! (background): FM Chris Chase.
NM Farzad Abdi vs Aiden Sowa, Round 3.
Farzad was 3.5 points for a share of 1-2nd place 
and a 2237-2247 rating. Bravo, Farzad!
Aiden scored 2.5 points for a piece of 9-11th place
and a 2037-2054 rating.
NM Carissa Yip, with white in Round 3 vs R.J. King. Carissa scored 
3 points to share in 3-8th place and a rating of 2289-2293.
 NM Alejandro Botta, BCC Blitz Chess Champ, plays white
vs NM Milislav Danilovic, [FIDE 2255, Serbia] in Round 3.
The game was drawn!  Alej scored 3 points to share in the
3-8th pile-up. Milisav scored 2 points finishing 12-17th.
(background): Professor of Physics NM J.Timothy. Sage, 
Northeastern University Chess Club Advisor.
WFM Roza Enyula scored 3 points to take a share
in 3-8th place and a 2077-2112 rating.
Roza Enyula, BU Chess Club President.
Playing at the Boston University Open 2006!
FM Chris Chase, former BCC Champion, scored 3 points to
share 3-5th place.   (background): Alex Yu.
FM Chris Chase v WFM Roza Enyula, Round 3.
NM Lawyer Times, former BCC Champion plays white
in Round 3 vs Jason Tang.  Lawyer scored 2.5 points for a
share of 9-11th place. Jason Tang also finished with 2.5
points for a share of 9-11 place and a rating upgrade of
1992-2054!  Bravo, Jason.
IM David Vigorito, former BCC President plays the white
pieces in Round 3 vs Stephen Brudno. David scored 2 points
to share 12-17th place. Stephen scored 1.5 points to take a
piece of 18-24th place.
BCC regular Alex Yu plays white vs John Westwig in
Round 3. Alex was 2/4 with a rating upgrade of +4 to 1987.
BCC veteran player Paul Mishkin (right) plays white
vs Robert Stewart in Round 3. Paul scored 1.5 points;
Robert .5 points on the day.
BCC veteran Walter Driscoll plays white vs 
Nikita Roldan-Levchenko, BCC Junior Blitz chess star.
Walter scored 1.5 points on the day.
WCM Natasha Christiansen, Vice President, Boylston Chess 
Foundation, plays black vs Yangboya Liu in Round 3.
Natasha scored 1 point for an 1875-1880 rating.
Alex scored 2 points for a share of 12-17th place
and a 1983-1987 rating upgrade.
Piinyi Hu BCC regular, BU PhD chemistry 
student, scored 1 point on the day.
Raymond Xu scored 3 points to share 3-5th place in the
U1800 section. Raymond pushed his rating from 1455 to
1583!  Bravo, Raymond.
BCC veteran player and former chess columnist for the
Christian Science Monitor Larry Eldrich, plays black vs
Kevin Meng. Larry was 2/4 on the day. Meng scored 1.5 points.
David Katzman plays white vs Akash Subedi in Round 3.
David was 2/4 on the day for a 1502-1534 rating.
Charles Bing plays white vs. John Tarricone in Round 3.
Charles scored 2 points on the day.
Elliott Wu plays white vs Jonah Butler in Round 3. Elliott 
scored 1.5 points and John scored 3 for a share of 3-5th place.
Kevin Liu plays white vs Tomas Skacel in Round 3.
Kevin was 2/4 on the day.
Kelsey Liu, Kevin's sister plays black vs Rishi Jun-Kai Basu
in Round 3. Kelsey scored 1 point on the day.
(background): BCC veteran player, Dan Sullivan.
 NU Chess Club President and chief organizer of the
1st NU Open, Brian Dobosh (left), shares a smile with BCC
veteran TD and player, Bernardo Iglesias. Bernardo
was the Chief TD of this splendid event.
Grooming his successor: Jason Fiammetta (sitting) & current NU
Chess Club president Brian Dobosh pose for the camera with chips
and dips as a booster! Great job, gentlemen: one of the
fineset Boston area chess tournaments in recent memory!
Bravo, Northeastern University Chess!

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