Sunday, April 03, 2016

Mark Fins - Imagine That

Imagine That

The new novel by Mark Fins

Big-hearted, 8 year-old Mark Leonard lives on the brink of two worlds: one steeped in the hardship of post-World War II America, where his father is consumed by financial woes; the other where he’s buoyed by his exceptionally vivid imagination. In his imagination, Mark is an heroic soldier, a surgeon and a daredevil striving to live up to the ideals of the 1950s. When his family uproots from Queens, New York to start afresh in Massachusetts, Mark finds refuge from loneliness in an unlikely friendship with an eccentric, wealthy, elderly neighbor who has shut out the world following a debilitating accident. Their mutual gift for for conjuring up imaginary worlds to cope with reality -- which for Mark includes the confusing teachings of his Jewish faith -- leads them to push the boundaries between these two realms, exploring the fine line between love, imagination and the existence of God.

MARK FINS is a lifelong entrepreneur, the owner of two corporations and a frequent speaker on entrepreneurship. He is a supporter and provider of remedial reading scholarships for at-risk children and is active in philanthropy, particularly in local food banks. A tournament chess player, Fins lives in a suburb of Boston.

Mark is a member of the Boylston Chess Foundation who plays actively and has been a major benefactor to the BCF.  Working together with his friend Harold Dondis, they made possible the club transition to it fine new location in Cambridge.

Mark is a former Trustee of the U S Chess Trust.  Below is a profile based on that webpage and updated with edits by Mark Fins.

Mark Fins is the founder and president of several corporations, including Diversified Biotech, which produces novel products and research tools for the Life Sciences and Biotechnology Industries, and New England Country Pies (manufacturer of the world's best apple pie - located in Lynn, MA. -- whose customers include Stop and Shop, BJ's Giant Foods, Shaws, and others.)

As a life long entrepreneur he has been involved in numerous business enterprises since graduating from Babson College with a degree in Management and Accounting in 1971.

He has had an established relationship with Brandeis University and its office of Technology Licensing for more than 20 years. Diversified Biotech has  licensed novel technologies from Brandeis which are at the foundation of the companies product offerings.

He was a guest speaker to Brandeis International Business School where he spoke about his life as an entrepreneur in a presentation entitled “From Lemonade Stands to Biotech- An Entrepreneurs Tale”.

Mr. Fins love for chess dates back to when he was 4 years old and his father introduced him to the game in a single memorable moment when he took out finely crafted wooden pieces from a wooden box. Chess has been with him ever since.

As an well-established  A player, but who is always aspiring to make it to Expert, Mr. Fins has conceded that chess is a game that he will always love, but a game that does not necessarily love him back.

Mr. Fins has expanded his philanthropy to include chess-related giving, especially towards programs that reach first time players whose most significant barrier is for sets and boards or entry into tournament play.

Mr. Fins was a close friend of the U.S. Chess Trust’s founder, Harold Dondis and believes in the Trust’s mission, it’s hopes and aspirations.
As a creative marketing person, Mr. Fins hopes to make use of his appointed position as Trustee by assisting in the process of raising funds for the Trust.

He has written a first promotional piece entitled “The Game Of Kings- For Kids” which discusses the mission of the U.S. Chess Trust and the benefits of giving to it.

1 comment:

Gerry the G said...

If mark remembers when he lived in queens ny
I use to play chess with hm quite often
Never thought he was going to be a chess master
Great to see what success you have become

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