Saturday, June 04, 2016

Perelshteyn Photos

BCC GM Eugene Perelshteyn Lecture & Simultaneous Exhibition Jun. 3, 2016.            Eugene Perelyshteyn lecturing

Hi All,

Well, you knew this was coming... another photo gallery.

GM Eugene Perelshteyn gave a great lecture last Friday evening at the Boylston Chess Club. The topic was Carlsen vs. Karjakin in the upcoming World Championship. He covered all aspects of the two players, their histories, tendencies, strengths, character, support teams, and reviewed some key games. Great stuff. He ended by giving his final assessment and PREDICTION! HE SAID...oh well, you should've been there.

Special thanks for Charles Slade for cooking a fantastic dinner! His Chef's rating is Master. And thanks to Andrew & Natasha for organizing this.


Tony Cortizas, Jr. 

BCC GM Eugene Perelshteyn Lecture & Simultaneous Exhibition Jun. 3, 2016. Andrew Hoy, GM Eugene Perelshteyn, Jacob Chudnovsky

BCC GM Eugene Perelshteyn Lecture & Simultaneous Exhibition Jun. 3, 2016. room and audience 

BCC GM Eugene Perelshteyn Lecture & Simultaneous Exhibition Jun. 3, 2016. room and audience

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