Monday, February 13, 2017

BCC Fundraiser Photos

Hello All,

Thanks to Carissa Yip, Jason Tang, and Anton Barash for organizing this event and to everyone else who helped make it happen.

And thanks to those who made contributions to the Boylston Chess Foundation.

Your support helps us continue introducing people to the joys of chess, and to keep one of America's oldest chess centers up and running.

Tony Cortizas, Jr.

Carissa Yip, Jason Tang. BCC Fundraiser Tournament 2017.

 Anton Barash. BCC Fundraiser Tournament 2017.

 Anton Barash, Jason Tang watching. BCC Fundraiser Tournament 2017.
Andrew Hoy, Percy Yip. BCC Fundraiser Tournament 201
Natasha Christiansen. BCC Fundraiser Tournament 2017.
BCC Families & Supporters. BCC Fundraiser Tournament 2017.

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