Monday, March 06, 2017

Masters Sunday photos by Tony Cortizas, Jr.

Masters Sunday Photos

Photo gallery   by   Tony Cortizas, Jr.

Yesterday a Masters Sunday was held at the Boylston.

won the event with 3.5 of 4.

You can view the complete results at: 
 Recent Boylston Crosstables (on MSA)

Here are a few photos from Tony's gallery: 

BCC Masters Sunday 2017. Alexander Katz, Carissa Yip, Farzad Abdi.

BCC Masters Sunday 2017. Zubin Baliga, Danila Poliannikov, Alex Yu.

BCC Masters Sunday 2017. The Analysis.
BCC Masters Sunday 2017. Madhuri Kavi, Nithin Kavi.

Steve Stepak photographing Joseph Perl, LIbardo Rueda, Tim Sage, Roza Eynula.
BCC Masters Sunday 2017. Libardo Rueda.

BCC Masters Sunday 2017. Photographer Steve Stepak.
 BCC Masters Sunday 2017. Percy Yip.

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