Saturday, June 24, 2017

New Chess Books for Advanced Adult Beginners

Dear BCC members,

I published two chess books this week: Chess for Advanced Adult Beginners and
its companion workbook Chess Workbook for Advanced Adult Beginners. They are
successors to the books I wrote in 2015 for adult beginners
and are available at the Harvard Book Store, both online and at the brick and mortar store
at 1256 Mass. Ave. in Cambridge. I wrote them for players in the 1500 to 2000 USCF
rating range.

Chess for Advanced Adult Beginners is 168 pages long. Covered are issues that
every tournament player struggles with: correctly evaluating positions, winning
better positions, saving worse positions, playing equal positions, connecting the
pieces, exchanging the right pieces, using the empty squares around the pieces,
studying opening theory, learning from your own games, and how to continue
enjoying chess. 100 exercises are included, with answers in the back (more are
available from the workbook).

Chess Workbook for Advanced Adult Beginners is 246 pages long, and has 640
exercises with answers in the back. The workbook covers the same material as
Chess for Advanced Adult Beginners, and can be read on its own, but has less
writing and more problems to solve. I chose these exercises from messy positions
in real games, not tidy postcard-perfect snapshots with bows on them.

I've donated a copy of each book to the Boylston Chess Club. Feel free at the club
to pick them up and flip through the pages. If you like them, please buy them. 
Again, these books are available at the Harvard Book Store
( and

Alex Cherniack

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