Sunday, July 16, 2017

Grand Prix #3

Banner:  Tony Cortizas, Jr.

Grand Prix #3
41 players competed ! 

Open 1st Place: Timothy Sage

Tim Sage.  Photo: Nick Sterling

U1800 1st place: John Alexander Salifoglou

John Salifogllou, distant center in gray shirt.  Photo:  Nick Sterling


Nick Sterling shared photos on his facebook page:

Fellow BCF players,

Due to a cancellation of another event I had planned for today, I had an unexpected chance to go help out at BCF, and even got to play in Round 1. The game was a very quick loss against Alan Song because I got two French Winawer variations confused, but it was instructive and will help me out a lot long-term. Congrats to Alan for that win.

This was the third of a series of three G/60 d5 Grand Prix events. Despite the series, we still got an excellent turnout of 40 players.

Open 1st Place: Timothy Sage
U1800: John Alexander Salifoglou

Next Saturday let's get another big turnout for the $15 Open. I'm TD. See you all over the board.
Nicholas P. Sterling, Ph.D.
BCF, Chess Tournament Director

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