Thursday, August 24, 2017

BCF August Scholastic

Fellow BCF Scholastic Players,

Thanks to the Scholastic players who came to our August Scholastic this past Sunday. It was small but enjoyable for everyone. By a strange twist of events - involving the TD's error X-( - Anthony German got to play me in a side game and emerged with a draw. Well done, Anthony!


Fitch Perkins (left)
  • 1st: Fitch Perkins
  • 2nd: Anthony German
  • Medal: Leonard Sweeney-Barrett

  • 1st: Jericho Carlson
  • 2nd: Bryan Li Henroid
  • Medal: Lena Ishii

The BCF September Scholastic is on 9/24/2017. We'll see you - and hopefully more - all then.

Nicholas P. Sterling, Ph.D.
BCF Scholastic TD Director

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