Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Scholastic report and photos

Banner:  Tony Cortrizas, Jr.

Fellow BCF Players

I would like to thank warmly the fine kids of Nazzaro Center Knight Chess Club, and their chess club organizer Jannelle, for bringing a huge, enthusiastic, and extraordinarily well-behaved group of new chess players to the BCF Scholastic Chess Club. Because of their record turnout, we reached a new attendance high of 19 players.

Special commendation to Leonard Sweeney-Barrett for a terrific performance of 4 Points. He is ready to play with the big boys.


1st Place: Leonard Sweeney-Barrett
2nd Place: Ryan Wilson
3rd Place: Thierry Wijaya
1st Place: Jericho Carlson
2nd Place: Emilia Shen
3rd Place: Aidan Hennessey

At our next Scholastic Tournament on 11/19/17, we will add a new Non-Member Section to allow players new to chess tournaments to play without immediately having to obtain USCF Memberships.

We'll see you at our next Tournament.

Nicholas P. Sterling, Ph.D.
BCF Scholastic Tournament Director

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