Tuesday, January 23, 2018

BCF Spiegel Cup report by Nicholas Sterling

banner:  Tony Cortizas, Jr.

 77 photos to the album: BCF Spiegel Cup Series 2018.

Fellow BCF and MACA Scholastic players,


Without question this incredibly enormous and immensely successful Spiegel Cup Series event at Boylston Chess Club - 48 players! - blew the top off not only all the records for Scholastic tournaments at BCF - well, at least those I'VE directed - but the SCS Tournaments I've directed in general.

Remarkable too was how very well behaved this huge crowd was. Thanks to all the Scholastic players who came and made this a thoroughly enjoyable occasion.
Special thanks to Natasha Christiansen, my fellow TD who so kindly volunteered her time to come help out. Thanks also to Tony Cortizas and Andrew Hoy for ordering the Trophies and Medals.

My own aim will be to convert this SCS next year to a full-scale four-Round G/45 d5, and to have 3rd-Place Trophies as well. We were honestly unsure what kind of response we would get from this offering. Next year we'll be sure to scale this event up.

14 & Under:
1st Place: Jack Tompros
2nd-3rd Places: Henry Booth, Mark Chudnovsky (tied)
11 & Under:
1st Place: Jericho Carlson
2nd Place: Isaac Gordon
3rd Place (tied): Alexander Tran, Michelle Chudnovsky
8 & Under:
1st Place: Paul Tompros
2nd-3rd Places: Wataru Takeuchi, Suhavi Tiruveehdula, Anand Swaroop

Please put on your calendar the SCS hsoted by Chess Empire Kids at Lakeside Inn in Wakefield. Details are at http://masschess.org/Events/Event_Details.aspx?Event_ID=6106.

See you again soon. Let's have another big chess bash!

Nicholas P. Sterling,
BCF, Scholastics TD

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