Monday, April 09, 2018

What Bad Openings Teach Us - seminar by NM Atul Kannan

banner:  Tony Cortizas, Jr.

seminar by  
NM Atul Kannan 
DateFriday, April 13, 2018
Entry Fee$25 for members; $35 for non-members
RegistrationRegister online anytime; on-site 6:30-7pm
Round Times7:00pm - 8:30pm
DescriptionJust as we learn more from losses than wins, so too do we learn more from "bad" openings than the best ones.
What can we learn from openings like the Elephant Gambit (1.e4 e5 2. Nf3, d5?!)
the Fred (e4, f5?)
Barnes (1.f3?)
Desprez (1.h4!?)
or Ware openings (1.a4!?)

Turns out a lot!

We will also cover other openings like the King's gambit, Grob, Schliemann, and even the Winnawer posion pawn variation (All of these were once thought to be losing).

We will end with open Q&A about any bad openings.
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List

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