Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Boylston Chess: September Scholastics report

banner:  Tony Cortizas, Jr.

photo: Nick Sterling

Nicholas Sterling
September 24 at 11:38 PM
Fellow BCF Scholastic players,

We continue to have excellent success with our Scholastic tournaments. Not only did we get 22 players, but we welcomed a new player, Pratik Venkatesan, to our midst. There were plenty enough players to fill both 14 & Under and 8 & Under groups.

Ethan Chan, the highest rated 14 & Under player, made it handily to 1st place with a 3.5 score. The triumph in the 8 & Under Section went once again to the 4-0 winner Shouri Mosaliganti. We expect he'll be breaking into the ranks of the A & B Scholastic players in due time. 

photo:  Nick Sterling



14 & Under:

1st Place: Ethan Chan
2nd -3rd Place (tied): Jesse Zhang, Yinghan Liu, Jonathan Wei

8 & Under:

1st Place: Shouri Mosaliganti
2nd Place: Mark Piryatinksy
3rd Place: Ryan Wang

photo:  Nick Sterling

Next month is a special event, the BCF Spiegel Cup Qualifier combined with our regular October Scholastic. There will be five rated Sections altogether.

See you next month over the board.

Nicholas P. Sterling, Ph.D.
BCF, Scholastics TD

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