Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Boylston Chess: June Scholastics report

BCF June Scholastics - 06-16-2019.
report by Nick Sterling

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Fellow BCF Scholastics players.

This was an absolutely spectacular Scholastics on Father's Day; apparently many dads decided that the best way to celebrate Father's Day was to let their kids excel at chess. Thanks to the 39 players we got - this was a record attendance.
Congratulations to Diego Abadie who smoked the top Section - by getting "lucky" - to take the 14 & Under 1st Place Trophy with a 4-0 Score. Kaustubh Kislay placed an impressive 2nd Place with 3.5-0.5.
Tye Moore has improved a great deal since his last effort and was able to play in both events this weekend and emerge with a 3rd Place Medal. Congratulations to Tye.
The real killer of this weekend was Santhosh Ayyappan who blazed through the 8 & Under Section to pick up the 1st Place Trophy. His sister Anushka also came away with a 3rd Place Medal. This is a pair to watch.
Finally, the two Mennell brothers must be very pleased that their dad let them play all day instead of just for two Rounds, Thanks to their playing through the day, they both came away with Medals.
Thanks to Dmitriy Barash for bringing three of his students to play in addition to his son Yan. Daniil Landau was one of the winners.

14 & Under:
1st: Diego Abadie
2nd: Kaustubh Kislay
Medals (tied): Aedyn Mennell, Tye Moore, Ansh Jeslani, Danil Landau

8 & Under:
1st: Santhosh Ayyappan
2nd: Peiheng Jiang
Medals: Anushka Ayyappan, Owen Mennell

We hope many of you will come back on 7/21/19 for the July Scholastics. 
Have a great July 4th and we'll see you over the board.

Nicholas P. Sterling, Ph.D.

BCF. Local Scholastics TD

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