Thursday, October 17, 2019

Boylston Chess: New Board of Directors for 2019-2020

banner:  Tony Cortizas, Jr.

Board of Directors Election for 2019-2020 Term

Only one person was nominated for each of the Board Officer positions, President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Clerk. Five people were nominated as Directors. No vote was needed or conducted. All nominees were approved by acclamation. 

The New Board of Directors as of November 1, 2019


President - Andrew Hoy
Vice President - Paul Mishkin
Treasurer - Charles Slade
Clerk - Tony Cortizas, Jr.


Bernardo Iglesias
Mike Griffin
Timothy Sage
Latanya Sweeney
Bob Oresick

Thanks to David Milliern for serving on the 2018-2019 Board.

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