Monday, October 21, 2019

Boylston Chess: Nick goes to chess TD paradise

Nick goes to chess TD paradise

Nicholas Sterling added 51 photos to the album: BCF October G/30 d5 - 10-20-2019.

Fellow BCF Scholastic players,

Without question this will go down as the most astonishing TD experience I have had thus far. A very young player advanced to Board 1 and proceeded totally to demolish his 600+ point higher rated opponent by lashing out move after move after move, bang-bang-bang-bang-bang.

When the game was done and the very young player had promoted a Pawn in a R & P endgame - he was three Pawns ahead - to force resignation from his visibly shaken opponent, a glance at the clock revealed that the defeated opponent was down to one SECOND left on his clock (G/30 d5). And the clock of the winner?
You read that right.

When this was finished, the kids in the waiting room gave this youngster a whole slew of back-slaps.

I have NEVER seen that before in my TD experience. This was an entirely unique moment. And that is why a special Upset Medal was awarded to this youngster for his outstanding victory.


14 & Under:
1st: Franklin Lewis
2nd: Aayush Patel
3rd (tied): Suhavi Tiruveedhula, Emilia Shen

8 & Under:
1st: Jaswant Ambati
2nd: Eilam Kuo
3rd: Christian Li

Chess is the most awesome game on the planet. This is why.
See you over the board.

Nicholas P. Sterling, Ph.D.
BCF. Local TD (who feels like he has been to chess paradise and back)

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