Friday, May 08, 2020

Boylston Chess Club updates

Dear Chess Friends,

Hopefully everyone has been staying busy and healthy through this pandemic.  
I wanted to share a few updates with everyone about the Boylston Chess Club.  We will remain closed at least through the end of May.  We will have further updates after we see how the gradual reopening of Massachusetts is progressing.  

We are pleased to announce several online chess events in order to keep those chess skills honed.  GM Larry Christiansen has been hosting weekly lectures on twitch at  Tune in for the virtual chat and tactics study or catch up on past broadcasts.

Starting next week, there will also be a one-game per week Swiss tournament.  The time control will hopefully encourage more thought than the bullet and blitz games I'm sure we have all been playing.   

Finally, stay tuned for more information about rapid events hosted on over the upcoming weekends.  

Since the club has been closed for a couple of months now, the Board of Directors has decided to extend club memberships for all current members.  Once we know when we can start hosting over the board tournaments again, we will send more information about the extensions.  

In the meantime, hope to see you all online, and we all hope that you and your families are safe.

On behalf of the BCF Board of Directors,
Andrew Hoy

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