Saturday, October 31, 2020

Boylston Chess: Nov Thursday Night Swiss Online




 BCC November

  Thursday Night Swiss 


DateThursdays, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 2020
Event Format3SS, 1 lichess game per Thursday night set up by individual challenge
Time Control45|5
Sectionswill be determined based on the Ratings of the players who commit to play
Entry Fee$25
Prizes$120-$80 based on 10 players
Round Times6:30 PM (may be modified by agreement between two players)
DescriptionThe tournament will run for three weeks on lichess each Thursday at 6:30 PM. However, if two players need to reschedule a game, PROVIDED that they notify me in advance of Thursday, they may choose a time of their own agreement.

Pairings will be posted just after 6 PM on the Boylston CC website. The cutoff time for registration in time to play a Round is 6 PM. Any players who register subsequent to 6 PM will be skipped until the following week's Round.

Rating with USCF will be delayed by 72 hours after the completion of the tournament to give lichess time to ensure Fair Play was observed in all games.

Players must join Zoom during the event.

Meeting ID: 882 8047 7343
Passcode: 111491

Players must be current Members of USCF.
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List


BCC November 

Thursday Night Swiss 

Online - 

11-05-2020 - 11-19-2020

Fellow Boylston Chess Club players,

Starting on Thursday 11-05-20 and running for 3 weeks through the Thursdays in November up to Thanksgiving, Boylston Chess Club is restarting the Thursday Night Swiss online.   One Round per Thursday per player at 6:30 PM.  Players paired with each other will set up a challenge on lichess and play individually.  Zoom will be REQUIRED for players on Thursday nights (but see below).

Here are the details:

1. Registration at

2. $25 entry fee.

3. You must have a current Membership with USCF extending at least through December 2020.

4. If any player needs to miss a Thursday, they should contact BOTH his/her opponent AND ME to reschedule the game.  The two players may choose when to play and may need to set up a Zoom or Google Meet Meeting of their own if I cannot be there.

5. Pairings will be posted just after 6 PM on the Boylston CC website ( Therefore, the cutoff time for registration in time to play a Round is 6 PM. Any players who register subsequent to 6 PM will be skipped until the following week's Round, although reasonable accommodations may be made to include a late-registered player at the TD's discretion.

6. Either player may challenge their opponent on lichess.   The games should be RATED.   Both players are responsible for reporting the results to me accurately and promptly.  Zoom is REQUIRED (with screen-share or a camera view of the play area) for all players playing on Thursday night. All principles of Fair Play must be observed.  Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 882 8047 7343
Passcode: 111491

7. The time control is 45|5.

8. If we have an odd number of players, I'll offer to play the bye player. This is recommended but not required.

9. The tournament is USCF-Rated. All games will be reviewed for Fair Play by lichess before being Rated by normal procedure. Players may also report to me REASONABLE suspicion of a Fair Play violation if they have cogent evidence; frivolous or defamatory claims may result in penalties. If a Fair Play violation is confirmed after the tournament is over, the offending player will forfeit any prize money due him. If the player commits the violation while the tournament is in progress, he will be ejected from the tournament. All claims MUST be shared with only me as Tournament Director PRIVATELY and must NOT be disclosed to any of the other players in the tournament unless I deem it necessary for extraordinary reasons.

10. If one player appears online but the other does not, reasonable attempts will be made to contact the missing player and play the game normally. If a player arrives more than 30 minutes late, the TD will deduct time off the clock mentally in excess of the first 30 minutes. If a player fails to show altogether, the game will be forfeit by that player. (Note: if the missed player makes reasonable efforts after the missed night to make up the game with his opponent, the TD reserves the right to annul a forfeit. Otherwise, the player will be liable to a $25 fine to reenter the tournament if he/she forfeits a game without reasonable explanation.) If both players fail to show, both will forfeit unless both approach me and can show extenuating circumstances.

11. In the event of a server-related timeout or unconscionable amount of lost time, reasonable efforts will be made to reschedule the game if it is shown that the timeout or time deficit was out of the losing player's control. Otherwise, a server-related timeout will count as a loss to the player who flagged.

12. Prizes are $120-$80 based on 10 players.   If we get a large enough of players, I may consider adding a third prize.

I hope to have many of you joining us. Thanks very much.

Nicholas P. Sterling, Ph.D.
Boylston Chess Club
Tournament Director


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