Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Boylston Chess: Greg Hager Memorial


DateSaturday, November 14, 2020
Event Format3SS
Time ControlG/45 d30
SectionsOne section, accelerated pairings may be used
Entry Fee$25, $40 for non-BCF members
PrizesNone; all proceeds will support the club
RegistrationOnline only - ends 9:30am November 14
Round Times10:30am, 1:30pm, 4:00pm
DescriptionOver the board (OTB) event!

Limited to 8 players born in 2004 or earlier.
No spectators or accompanying persons permitted in tournament and skittles rooms.

Must register and pay online in advance by 9:30am on November 14, and must agree to COVID safety requirements. COVID safety requirements include complying with MA travel restrictions, wearing a mask indoors at all times, and maintaining a distance of 6 feet from other players and directors to the maximum extent possible. Players should bring own coffee, as none will be available onsite.
Players will play on own designated boards, with opponents sitting offset from each other.
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List  


 Greg Hager 

Our chess friend Greg Hager died on Tuesday at his home in Somerville, 
where he had been cared for by his venerable mother and aunt.

For many years Greg had played chess at the BCC, 
been a member, 
and for some years, served as a board member.
Over the years as his illness progressed, 
his calculation and perceptive abilities declined, 
but not his fighting attitude - 
Greg always played an interesting game, full of attack and sacrifice.

After he became less and less mobile, 
he was unable to come to the club; 
we gave him a little token of appreciation which he kept on a bookcase.

Though confined, 
he still played in Monday night and Thursday night Swiss tournaments 
-- his opponents played him at his bedside at home, 
moving on a demo board he had arranged. 
His mother and aunt made tea and his dog Zeppo kept vigil.

His flag has dropped and we all miss him.

Rest in peace.


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