Sunday, February 14, 2021

Dan Sullivan passed away.



Dan Sullivan has passed away.

Photo:  Tony Cortizas, Jr.


Walter Driscoll recently wrote  us:

A longtime player at the Boylston Chess Club, Dan Sullivan
passed away this week. 
The wake was at the doherty funeral home in Somerville, 
followed by services at nearby st.Clements Church. 

He was the last chessplayer to play Harold Dondis,
Dan worked for many years for the post office.
Photo:  Tony Cortizas, Jr.

I always enjoyed playing chess with Dan.  
The game was invariably interesting and pleasant. 
Between rounds we would sometimes chat. 
A couple of years ago somehow he and I realized we had both been cab drivers.
 I only drove  for a year and only during the day,
but Dan had driven on the night shift for years.
I hadn't known he was a writer;
Dan let me read his manuscript - 
stories about driving a cab on the night shift.
His writing style brought to my mind 
Dashiell Hammett with a light touch of humor.

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