Monday, December 12, 2022

Boylston Chess: Historic and nostalgic tables

Chess tables not only historic but nostalgic

 Hi all!

I had the privilege and pleasure to sell one of the club’s historic tables to  

Ted McHugh.  

Ted and his son Teddy met me at the Norris St location to pick up a 6’ table.  

As you can see from the photo, Ted was absolutely delighted with his purchase. 



He was glad to acquire the table, 

not least because of his memories of the BCC at its original location.

Here he is at 14 with Harry Lyman in 1982.



After loading the club into his vehicle, 

 Ted visited the new site and looked at some chess with Teddy.  


 I hope to see Teddy, a junior at Boston College, 

carry on his father’s pastime of playing at the club!


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