Sunday, September 08, 2024

September quads

The numbers were on the players side as we were able to make 5 quads with no need for a small swiss. 

Michael Carey took care of business with the top rated player winning the top quad with 2.5/3.0.

Ella Zhang and Rejan Dey split the second squad each with 2.0 points. Ella got her rating back over 1700 with the strong event.

Justin Guerra took the third quad with a perfect score.  

Haley Martin, the TD, took the fourth quad with a perfect score. Haley has been on a bit of a hot streak. This event brought her rating to over 1300.  She was under 1100 at the beginning of August. 

Aiden Shang and Santiago Benoit tied in the final quad, each collecting 2 of the possible three points.

Mikayel takes another Friday Night Blitz

Mikayel added to his trophy case with a first place in the Friday Night Blitz event. 10 points out of a possible 12 allowed him to cruise to an easy victory 1.5 points ahead of his closest competitor.

August Tuesday Night Swiss

Andrew Hoy won the open section.  Justin Guerra took first in the under section earning the right to play up next month. It feels like a matter of time until Justin breaks through and leaves the under section for good. Your author here needs to apologize to Michael Brown as his second should have been a first place if I didn't blunder a clearly winning position against Justin in the final round.