Wednesday, July 25, 2012

$10 Open

Sat, July 28, 9:30am – 7:30pm

Event Organizer:  The Boylston Chess Foundation *
Event Location:  Boylston Chess Club. 240B Elm Street, Suite B9, Somerville, MA 02144   [ Click Here for Direction ]
Event Date:  Saturday, 7/28/2012
Time Control:  4SS; G/60d5
Rounds Time:  10 - 12:40 - 3 - 5:15
Prize Info:  Prizes based on entries. 
Inquiry:  Phone: (617) 629-3933
Event URL:
Requirement:  USCF membership required. **  
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Registration Information
Entry Fee:  $10 if received by 11/08 or by PayPal by 11/09 otherwise $27, $17 to BCF members
Registration - Online:  Available. Please scroll down to select a section to register or click here.
Registration - Onsite:  9:15 - 9:55
Registration - Mail:  Payable to: BCF. Mail Entry to: BCC, 240 Elm St., Ste B9, Somerville, MA 02144. 
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Section Information
Tournament Sections:  click here to register for this section - Open
click here to register for this section - U1800

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