Sunday, July 21, 2024

July Big Money Swiss

In its second itteraion we saw another strong crowd for the clubs newest event. We say 59 people sign up for the event which at least in my opinion is the perfect amount for the size of the club.

 The event ended with three players GM Nagi, Mikayel, and Andrew all on 3.5 out of 4 in the open section. GM Nagi ans Mikayel drew each other in the final round while Andrew won his final round game. Of note Jericho Carlson scored 2.5/4.0 to cross 1900 for his first time. 

 Another weekend and another proze for the Zhang sisters as Ella took first in the U1900 section with a perect score. Her strong performance increased her rating 68 points to 1692.

 Zachary Tower took first in the U1500 section. It’s good to see the Thursday Night crew doing well.

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