Friday, January 20, 2006

Committed to an idea or ready to be committed?

Have any of you been reading the blog? Usually in the chess community there is a lot of talk but very little action. So it seems kind of cool that Clint Ballard not only developed a new tournament scoring system intended to promote fighting chess but is also organizing tournaments to test out the idea.

However, apparently this isn't enough for Clint. Now he is focusing on bringing chess to television. Again, he's not just talking about it. He's building a TV production studio and large scale demonstration boards and set pieces. He's researching and buying high-end camera equipment. And get this, he's hiring swimsuit models to appear in the pilot episode of the program he plans to shoot in a couple of weeks.

So you might be wondering, what does it take to be a Slugfest Girl? According to Clint, they have to be "beautiful, athletic, intelligent" and "all Christians." And that's not all, one of the original girls he hired was let go because she had a tattoo on her back. Exactly what kind of chess show is he creating?

Click here to see more photos of the Slugfest Girls.

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