Friday, January 20, 2006

The spy who came in from the cold

Former BCC member Ilya Orsher checked in recently from far away. Here are some major excerpts from his e-mail to the club:
hello old chess mates! this is ilya orsher writing to you. i took a look at the site today and had fond recollections of the years gone by. it did make me feel a bit queasy though ;). you know all the losses and nerve racking exploits. but i did want to send my warm regards to the people of the club. especially cris desmarais and jacob rasin and of course all the rest of the fellows like eric godin and everyone else that i had a chance to play....

ive been staying in india for the past 4 years or so with absolutely no chess. im probably superstrong now after the rest and could beat you all ! (just kidding)

Click here to review some of Ilya's games from the 2000 BCC Championship.

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