Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Chris Chase win streak stops at 20 games

My favorite baseball statistical feats are the streaks -- hitting streaks, scoreless inning streaks, winning streaks. So, looking over the crosstables of the BCC chess club, I happened to notice that Chris Chase has had an impressive September run of 20 consecutive wins, including his 3 wins in the BCC championship. This streak was broken by a draw against Foygel in the last round at the Metrowest tournament. During this time, Chris has captured first place in 5 tournaments in a row, a streak that is still alive. During this time, he has beaten 8 experts and 2 masters. Not too bad.

Now, what I would really like to know is -- what is the longest BCC win streak we know about? How about tournament wins? We can include only events held at the BCC if you want, or include results from other tournaments (like at the MCC). Anyone have any insight? I took a quick peek through old crosstables of usual suspects, but this is not so easy to do without more research.

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