Thursday, September 28, 2006

Maybe we should start calling it the BCL

I know we are a little bit self-occupied up here in the northeast, what with all that Boston - Hub of the Universe stuff. Nevertheless, it seems that every conversation about the USCL ends up being about Boston and the Blitz.

Here are some excerpts from Commissioner Shahade's interview with San Francisco Mechanics IM Benedict Arnold ... er, I mean, Josh Friedel:

2. In Boston you are considered to be an arch-villain, having left the Boston Blitz to play for the San Francisco Mechanics in one of the biggest free-agent moves of the offseason. Why did you move across the nation? How does it feel to be so despised by such a large city?

Please. I lived near Boston for over 19 years, and the only thing I fear there are the drivers. Also, as you can see by their record, the Blitz hardly need me. In fact, they paid me more to leave this year than to play last year!

4. Ok let's get more serious, talk to us about the league. What teams/players have impressed you the most?

I have one word for everyone. Ilya Krasik (That's two words - editor's note). The guy is amazing. They should put him on board 1 instead of board 4, switching him up for that Joker LarryC. Rxe4? Did anyone see that? True, d5 was most likely easily winning, but that Krasik had to play Rxe4 just to show to the world he's a badass.

6. Tell us the difference between the team and match atmosphere in Boston and San Francisco.

The support in both places was amazing. In Boston, I had the treat of driving through downtown Natick to get to the match. That really prepped my head. Also, having come all prepared for my game, I'd have LarryC tell me to play this random, unsound piece sacrifice instead....

And what do you suppose is the centerpiece of Chessville's most recent article on the USCL? Ilya Krasik's Week 3 Game of the Week.

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