Sunday, September 02, 2007

Where is the ferris wheel and merry-go-round?

Thanks to the efforts of Jack Lemoine, the first Chess Blog Carnival has taken place. The carnival is quite similar to the "Around the Blogosphere" posts which you often see here, at About Chess, and at other chess blogs. The main difference is that individual bloggers get to submit their own favorite pieces, instead of leaving the editorial decision making to the blogger writing the post. Avid chess blog readers will probably be familiar with most of the blogs and posts which are mentioned, but even I found a blog which wasn't in my listings.

My understanding is that the carnival will be repeated periodically on different chess blogs. Whether this concept has legs, we'll see over time; however, for now, this looks like a good way for newer chess blogs and those without a strong established readership to get exposure to a broader audience.

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