Thursday, September 25, 2008

30 second poetic summary of B.B.'s 3-1 win over S.F.

1. Last week Larry lost his queen.
Thought his opponent was pretty mean.
This week -- Bhat?

2. Pruess prudently punctured Jorge's 1st Jorrible Attack.
Pruess proudly pointed to his pawns -- sacked?
Pruess plainly pummeled by Jorge's 2nd Jorrible Attack.
Probably preset path when Jorge's opponents have Black?

3. Marc outflanked Shank.
Landed up a pawn.
The game was drawn.

4. There once was a player named Krasik
Whose opponent said, "Rook? Let's Sackik."
The sack was unsound,
The king danced around,
Fell into perpetual check-ik.

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