Friday, September 26, 2008

GM Ken Rogoff is a McCain advisor.

The Master's Table: Boylston Chess Club A Team (left to right) NM Marc Lonoff, GM Ken Rogoff, NM Larry Tapper, FM Chris Chase (sitting), NM Dan Harrington, and IM Norman Weinstein at the Boylston Chess Club, YMCU (Young Men's Christian Union) Building... Boston, circa 1975
Photo: Steve Stepak ?
Dylan Loeb McClain wrote about GM and Harvard Economics Professor Ken Rogoff who at one tlme played at and for the Boylston Club:
By Dylan Loeb McClain
Published: September 26, 2008

Could a grandmaster be part of the next administration? Possibly.
Kenneth S. Rogoff, a professor of economics and public policy at Harvard University, is an adviser to the Republican presidential nominee, Senator John McCain. He is also a grandmaster. Rogoff said that he has known Senator McCain for years.
Rogoff said an understanding of chess had helped him learn economics: "The whole logic of game theory, which is a big part of economics, came easily to me."
Knowing chess also helped him in his career, he said. "I was the chief economist of the International Monetary Fund from 2001 to 2003, and you are involved in a lot of high-stakes negotiations," he said, "and chess teaches you to think about what the other person is thinking."
He stopped playing competitively in 1980, but before he stopped, he was one of the country's most promising players. ...

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