Monday, March 21, 2011

Boston Bar Association Chess Night

photos: Eric Fullerton – Boston Bar Association

Natasha Christiansen sent us some photos from the

1st annual Boston Bar Association Chess Night.

She helped David Goldstone organize a night of chess for Boston attorneys.

At the BBA's First Annual Chess Night,
more than 40 guests of all skills levels met
at 16 Beacon Street to test their skills and enjoy collegiality.

Players of all skill levels had a chance to play.

Many of the games were competitive -- all in good fun, of course.

Event organizer David Goldstone (Goodwin Procter) thanked the crowd
and looked forward to making Chess Night an annual event.

With the quad format, players also had a chance to get to know one another.

Concentration is key to making the right move.

1 comment:

Ken Ho, not a blog spam Bender said...

I think it's excellent that Natasha and David organized this new chess activity in this area, just like Jason "& Co." started the club's Grand Prix cycle this year.

Keep the new ideas coming!

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