Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Grand Prix #3 this Saturday

Want to play chess for cheap? Thought that even last week's $10 Open was too pricey? Why not play in our Grand Prix tournament this Saturday? Only $7.00 for members and $10 for non-members, this is one of the least expensive ways to get competitive, rated chess games, anywhere.

Remember, the scores are accumulating over 12 Grand Prixs this year, so play early and play often! Modest prizes will be given to the top U2400, U2200, U2000, U1800, U1600, U1400, and U1200 player. These prizes will be equal in value.

One note of clarification-- these are UNDER categories, so you can win in a higher, but not a lower category. However, if you play in the Under 1800 section of the tournament, the highest category you can win is U1800. If you switch around and play in both the Open and the U1800, your total score in all sections will count for the U1800 prizes; however, the games played in the U1800 section only count towards the Under 1800 prize. While the emphasis of these events is on playing cheaply for fun, hopefully this clarification will help normalize the outcome for those who are racking up huge scores in the U1800 section only.

Your category is determined by the rating of your first grand prix entry.

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