Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Register to vote in USCF elections

I would like to echo the sentiment from this earlier post. There seems to be a very low number of people who have registered to vote in the USCF election, and the deadline to do so is the end of this month (that's like, one week left, you know). suggests (among other things  ;-)  ) that many people may not know about this registration deadline because they no longer get Chess Life magazine, which used to come with paper ballots as a wraparound cover. I do still get the magazine, and I think a recent issue may have come with a wraparound registration reminder, but if it did, I took the wraparound portion off and recycled it. I keep the magazine, which has had some very nice content of late (Larry Evans and Jack Peters material come to mind). In any case, I registered some time back.

USCF's website allows you to see whether a person is registered, so just like the Romper Room host I could sit here and call out names with my Magic Mirror, but let's just say I know some folks in our club, which is but a tiny portion of the USCF membership, hadn't registered to vote when I last checked.

If you don't get Chess Life and don't check the USCF website, you also might not know that USCF is running a sale now on shopworn chess books, at least some of which are pretty good (but brace yourself for clicking a listed title only to be told it's out of stock).  So now that you have a reason to go to their website, register to vote while you're there!


You can register at

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