Tuesday, May 29, 2012

MA State Chess Assoc. Election Results

by Richard "Doc" Kinne

This last weekend the MA State Open Championships were held in Marlboro. The winners list has several Boylston CC members and friends on it which is great to see. The club was well represented in all sections of the State Open Championship!

In concert with the Championship, the Annual Meeting of the MA State Chess Association was held. The highlight of this meeting were the reporting of the Election Results for the coming year. 736 ballots were sent out. 105 were returned giving us a return rate of 14.2%. No ballot was invalidated. The results are as follows.

• Ken Belt - Re-elected with 61 votes.
• Brian Mottershead - Re-elected with 63 votes.
• Walter Driscoll - Re-elected with 79 votes.
• Stephen Dann - Re-elected with 81 votes.
• Richard "Doc" Kinne - Elected with 87 votes (Kinne was not re-elected since he had been appointed to fill out someone else's term last year).
Larry Eldridge - Re-elected with 89 votes.
• George Mirijanian - Elected with 98 votes. (Mirijanian was not re-elected since he was not a Director last year, he was President).

• Clerk - Dr. Nicholas Sterling - re-elected with 88 votes.
• Treasurer - Bob Messenger - re-elected with 101 votes.
• Vice President - Steve Frymer - elected with 78 votes.
• President - Robby King - elected with 66 votes.

The shock of the election results (certainly insofar as this author is concerned) were the 14 write-in votes that Kinne received for President - the most write in votes received for anyone for any position.

The newest November-May double issue, featuring our own Mika Brattain on the cover, is finally out after a long and difficult birth. You can download the PDF here.

While obviously the MACA Board of Directors represents active chess players in the whole of the Commonwealth, I'm proud to note that - right now - a bit more than 25% of the State Board is filled by Boylston CC members - myself and Walter Driscoll. More than that, I'm looking forward to an exciting year because, serendipitously, the Boylston CC is coming up with some very exciting ideas that, if they can be implemented, I believe will strengthen the ties between local clubs and the State level, enriching both sections of the community.

I encourage anyone who has any comments or suggestions for MACA to contact me.

1 comment:

Rihel said...

I know it was late, and is a double issue, but this was one of the best issues of Chess Horizons for a while. I really enjoyed catching up on the goings on.

One small correction-- I am at University College London (UCL), not Oxford.

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