Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Results of the May Thursday Night Swiss

The Boylston CC Thursday Night Swiss - one of the Club's longest running events - concluded for the month of May last week. We had several interesting results.

With 1.5 points coming in 2nd Under 1700 was Marc Turgeon.
Coming in 1st under 1700 was newcomer Doug Chin who we are looking forward to seeing more of.

Over all, 2nd Place for the May BCC Thursday Night Swiss with 3 points went to Ted Cross.

Finally, sweeping the May Thursday Night Swiss with a full 4 points, coming in 1st Place was Chris Williams!

Congratulations to all the winners!!

Please remember that this Thursday is the fifth Thursday in May and so there will be no Thursday Night Swiss on 31 May.

We hope to see all of our regulars - and newcomers! - again for the June BCC Thursday Night Swiss starting on 7 June.

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