FM Chris Chase: perfect 3 - 0 score.
NM Eric Godin, black vs NM Farzad Abdi: 0-1, Round 1.
Godin clinched 2nd place; Farzad was 3rd.
Nithin Kavi, on the move vs Ames Abbot, Round 1: white wins!
Kavi was hot with 3 out of 3. Ames and Christiansen
scored 1.5 points good for 2-3rd.
Kavi's rating hopped +52 to 2007. Bravo, Nithin!
(background): Jason Tang v Mark Fins.
Ames Abbot plays yet another new person to the BCC:
Anil K Marthi. Welcome Anil.
Hope to see you agains soon for more chess games
and fun at the BCC
Alex Yu writes; Loring Lauretti moves. Round 1.
Loring won the game and the Quad with 2 points.
Mark Fins (red) scored 1.5 points for 2-3rd place.
Loring Lauretti vs Jason Tang, Round 3. Tang won.
Steve Frymer, chess organizer from Lexington, MA observes.
(background): Mark Fins plays Alex Yu.
Jason Tang plays black vs Alex Yu, Round 2: draw.
Alex scored 1.5 points, good for 2-3rd place.
Seth Lieberman plays black vs Steve Stepak, Round 3.
(Thought by Stepak: chess is more than a mechanical
performance to checkmate your opponent. You have
to want to! I didn't. Won position for white
ended peaceably in a draw, putting Seth in the money.
Bravo, Seth!
Introducing a new player at the BCC:
Dr, Chase Yarbrough, MD, pediatric resident
at Children's Hospital, Boston.
Welcome Chase!
Dr. Yarbrough plays another new face at the BCC:
Achyuta Rajaram, from Michigan, parents from India.
Welcome Achyuta!
Dr. Yarbrough (green) plays black vs Richard Kahn
in Round in Round 2.
Dr. Y was on the mark with a 3 - 0 performance.
Bravo, Chase!
Photo: Hui Huang
Griffin :: Stepak
(Comment by Stepak: I love photos of
chess hand shakes. Here I admit
I look rather goofy, but still . . .
My philosophy on this game: sometimes you just don't want
to checkmate your opponent. Here, it was the opposite.
I just wanted to hide my king from getting mated!
Luckily, I always had a place to go after each check:
perpetual and a draw. Equal but not peaceful!
Well, controlled chaos! Bravo Mike for a
great adventure!)
Matthew Manzo, black vs Mike Griffin, Round 3.
Mike had an upper hand in this endgame and
converted the position to a full point.
Matt and Mike finished with 1.5 points for 2-3rd place.
(upper left): TD Bernardo Iglesias and Natasha Christiansen
observe the tense struggle.
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