Monday, December 29, 2014

Polar Vortex Premier

Polar Vortex Premier

January 17 and January 24, 2015

Calling All Masters, Experts, and A-Players

You are cordially invited to play in a BCF tournament with a slightly different format.  The event will include four rounds  held over two Saturdays (January 17 and January 24) to accommodate the slower time control of G/120 d5.  Thus, you will have the opportunity to play slow games on a Saturday, rather than a weekday after school or work.  Further, you will have the benefit of facing opposition rated at least 1800.
The prize fund is guaranteed:  $200 first, $100 second, and $50 top under 2100.
The entry fees are $20 for BCF members, $35 for non-members, with all collected entry fees benefiting the BCF.
Titled players (GMs and IMs) are very welcome:  
they will receive free entry, and the first three titled players to register and complete the schedule (maximum of two byes) will receive an appearance fee of $50 each.
Come play at a more leisurely pace in the handsome new site of the BCF.  E-mail any questions to

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