Saturday, January 03, 2015

Save the Boston Globe Chess Column!

Recently, the Boston Globe became the latest publication to join the unfortunate trend of chess column cancellation, announcing that its weekly's long and historic (over 60 years) run would soon be coming to a close, and depriving us of Boylston stalwarts Harold Dondis and Chris Chase's regular writings. 

As inevitable as this conclusion may seem on its face, the column has prevailed through such hardship in the past on the strength of a strong reader response. And once again it's up to us, the local chess community, to save the storied publication by showing the Globe our strong support. And in this new era of communication, there are a few ways to let them know:

1) Like the Facebook page, comment, and tell your friends:

2) Tweet at the Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) and tell them we want our chess column to stay #‎SaveBostonGlobeChess‬

3) Write to the Boston Globe and tell them why you think the column should stay! A number have already written in, and the chorus is growing.

So join in the effort. We've done this before, and with your strong support, we can save the Globe chess column again! 

1 comment:

Echo Yankee Charlie said...

Leaving feedback on the chess community's coverage will help as well!

Did you know that there are a few threads on the USCF forum about this?

Needless to say, multiple publications ending their columns has brought this topic to the forefront.

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