Monday, December 14, 2015

Chris Chase on Harold

Others learned of his passing from Chris Chase, his longtime friend and co-author. 


 From Chris Chase, Harold's friend and co-columnist
 Boston Globe Chess Notes

Dear Friends, 
This past Thursday I lost my good friend and colleague, Harold Dondis. He was 93. He died of heart attack  while playing in the Boylston Chess Club's Thursday Night Swiss. It seems fitting that he died playing the game he loved and supported for so many years. I know that he was greatly appreciative of all the support  you have given to the Boston Globe Chess Notes column over the years. A column that he authored or co-authored for at least 50 years. I would add that he never, never missed a deadline. This level of professionalism was an earmark of Harold's life.

Thank you all for your very kind thoughts and words!

Chris Chase
Photo: Steve Stepak

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