Monday, December 14, 2015

Harold Dondis passed away

Harold Dondis

A True Lover of Chess

Photo:  Tony Cortizas, Jr

Harold Dondis passed away
after the Thursday Night Swiss, Dec. 10

Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2015
3:00 PM - 7:00 PM 
Brasco &  Sons
See Globe obituary below for details. 

Many of us at the club learned about his passing  from Andrew Hoy's email.

       December 11, 2015
Hi Everyone,

I'm sad to share the news that Harold Dondis passed away last night after playing in the Thursday Night Swiss.  He had chest pains and thought he had had a heart attack, and he collapsed shortly after Cambridge Fire Department was called.  Harold received CPR on the scene, and the paramedics arrived very quickly and tried everything they could possibly try but Harold never regained consciousness.  

The wake will be at some point next week, and I will share more information about the arrangements once I have it.  I take a small measure of comfort in the fact that Harold was with friends and playing the game that we all love.  

Please keep Harold, his family, and his friends in your thoughts and prayers.
 Andrew Hoy

A dozen years ago Harold was quoted:

I’m not an impressive player, but I love the game. I’m 81. I still play it. I love it. I even had a heart attack during one game. It doesn’t bother me. I love it so much ~ Harold Dondis

(This is a quote from George Mirijanian's interview  ' A true lover of chess' with Harold in Chess Horizons.)

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