Friday, April 27, 2018

Thursday Night Swiss

banner:  Tony Cortizas, Jr.

Note the new time control and start time!
DateThursdays, May 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31
Event Format5SS
Time ControlG/105 d10
SectionsOpen & U1900
Entry Fee$35, $20 for BCF members, $5 more if not registering online in advance
Prizes$300 based on 25 entries: 1st $125, 2nd $75; U1900 1st $60, 2nd $40
Registration6:30pm - 6:50pm
Round Times7:00pm
Entry ListCurrent Pre-Registration List


Hi TNS players,

Requests for a bye or withdrawal from a tournament must be received at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start of a round. This helps us start rounds promptly and avoids inconveniencing participants with games that end later than they should.

Given our May TNS round start time of 7:00 PM, such requests must be received by 6:45 PM. Requests received after 6:45 PM will not be acted upon. If you are paired and don’t appear in time (one hour after round starts), our standard forfeit policy will be invoked.

Bye and withdrawal requests can be made by…

Sending an email to the club’s email address:


Calling the club’s phone number 617-714-3022. Be sure to leave a message if no one answers.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Tony Cortizas Jr.
May TNS TD & BCC Clerk


David Glickman said...

Why the new time control?

Unknown said...

Also why the delay in rating the April thursday night swiss?

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