Friday, April 27, 2018

Tornado photos by Nick Sterling

banner:  Tony Cortizas, Jr.

Fellow BCF Players,

As the city of Cambridge, like all of New England, finally started to see spring-like temperatures, 36 players gathered at BCF for a violent-sounding TORNADO! Fortunately there was no wind-driven destruction of anything other than my chess-player ego at being very nicely butt-kicked by Ruohan Yin in a side game. (The game score is preserved complete if anyone wants to see it.) The weather stayed calm and warm outside while we battled over the chessboards inside.
A shout-out to our visitor from FL Jordan Applebaum who came in a three-way tie for second place in the U1800 Section. We get players from a long way around.
Open: Nithin Kavi
U1800: Henry He
MACA will be hosting the MA Girls Challenge as a follow-up to our much-touted MA Girls Championship on Sunday 5/20. This special event will be combined with our normal monthly Scholastic. Details are on the Calendar.
See you over the board.
Nicholas P. Sterling, Ph.D.
BCF, Local TD

Tim came from Ireland

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