Monday, June 14, 2010

Billy the Magician shocks Boylston Chess

"Local Harvard Square chess personality William "Billy" "The Magician" Collins shocks Boston Chess with a 4-0 victory in last Saturday's Somerville Open. Rated only 2044, Billy defeated NM Cherniack (2301), IM Vigorito (2532) and FM Chase (2378) all in succession to take the title! Senior Master Denis Shmelov took clear second with 3.5 points. Congratulations to Billy, who gained nearly 100 points in only 4 games!
Look for more on Billy's achievement later in the month at the blog when I annotate how he pulled off these amazing upsets."

IM Marc Esserman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GMs take note. This catdog will scalp you.