Saturday, April 30, 2005
Chess in Iraq
Friday, April 29, 2005
Street Chess
Read "Playing the Dozens" from Almost Infamous.Playing the Dozens is more than a game of fun--it is a battle for respect. It is an exhibition of emotional strength and verbal agility, a confrontation of wits instead of fists....This verbal tradition combines elements of boxing, chess, and poetry....Like chess, playing the dozens requires a strategy. To win a battle, you must stay two or three snaps ahead of your opponent. Even as you are being attacked, you should be setting up your counter-snaps. Should I say something about his Fayva shoes? Or perhaps attack his fat sister? I'll save my best shot for his K-Mart cologne. This is the type of strategic thinking that makes a master snapper.
Gangsta Chess Rap
....I check out my uneven tradeI got a knight for a rookAm I crazy ... NawIt's called strategyen passant and batteryDoesn't matter if I take it too farThis is warwith a mate in four....You want painGet inside my brainI'll show you Life ... in the Chess Lane
WARNING: Some R-rated language.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Chess and Madness - yet again!
Hat Tip: Neh.Why such proximity between genius and madness in chess? There are three possible explanations. One is that chess is a monomania. You study it intensively day and night from childhood if you are going to rise to the ranks of the greats, and that kind of singular focus constricts your reality and makes you more vulnerable to distortions of it. "A chess genius," wrote George Steiner, "is a human being who focuses vast, little understood mental gifts and labors on an ultimately trivial human enterprise. Almost inevitably, this focus produces pathological symptoms of nervous stress and unreality."
.... Chess is a particularly enclosed, self-referential activity. It's not just that it lacks the fresh air of sport, but that it lacks connections to the real world outside--a tether to reality enjoyed by the monomaniacal students of other things, say, volcanic ash or the mating habits of the tsetse fly. As Stefan Zweig put it in his classic novella The Royal Game, chess is "thought that leads nowhere, mathematics that add up to nothing, art without an end product, architecture without substance."
But chess has a third--and unique--characteristic that is particularly fatal. It is not just monomaniacal and abstract, but its arena is a playing field on which the other guy really is after you. The essence of the game is constant struggle against an adversary who, by whatever means of deception and disguise, is entirely, relentlessly, unfailingly dedicated to your destruction. It is only a board, but it is a field of dreams for paranoia.
Knight Notes
- Fussy Lizard completed the 7 circles. Congrats.
- Fatboy put his training on hold -- having to attend to real life can be such a bear. I'll list him as "on hiatus" along with General Kaia, but this is obviously not a satisfactory long-term solution.
- Takchess and Viking Sword checked in after long absences. Each was at serious risk for being dropped from the list, but apparently both are continuing to pursue the program. Sancho has also come in from the cold with a few new posts.
- That leaves Margriet and Salcido as the Knights who have been quiet the longest at this point (both since 4/11) -- not yet close to the 30-day rule, but not that far away. Of course, you can always glean bits of information about the princess from Tempo.
- Finally, Harmless has requested entrance into the Knights and at least one has added him. Having read his blog, I would urge caution. For one thing he has yet to make any post about the program or even about chess in general for that matter. In addition, there are a few other suspicious things I noticed, e.g. his first post is from 2001 and then there is a 3-year gap to his next; he has ads prominently displayed at the top; etc. This may all be explainable, but I'm going to wait on this one.
Update (4/29): It seems we had the wrong url for Harmless. With the correct one in hand, we can now offer him an official welcome and best wishes for success. A name? The Nasty Knight.
Beyond J'adoube
An eminently reasonable outcome, but we then began to wonder about how this might apply to pieces which have already been captured and removed from the board. Some players have very specific preferences about where they place captured pieces and how they arrange them. Some organize them by type and value (left to right or right to left). Some like to line them up next to the equivalent pieces captured by their opponents. I suppose some people might like to stack them pyramid-style (though I've never actually seen someone do this during a game).
What if you do not like the way your opponent has arranged his captured pieces? Do you have the right to say "j'adoube" and adjust them more to your liking? I suspect not -- presumably captured pieces are "owned" by the capturer. However, if this is true, when my opponent (in time trouble) is about to queen a pawn can I put the previously captured queen in a place which is difficult for my opponent to reach? Maybe even in my pocket?
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I believe "Zugzwang" would be a better choice: Every possible move makes your position worse than it currently is. Yet, you must choose one, since inaction is a violation of the rules.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Who says there's no chess on television? III
A true story?
Capablanca was waiting in a train station in New York one day, with his coffee, danish, newspaper and chess set, when a man approached him. Gesturing at the chess set, he asked if Capa cared for a game. Always delighted to play, Capablanca immediately set up the board, then removed his queen from the board, to even up the game. Annoyed, the man blurted out, "Why did you do that? You don't know me, I might beat you!" Unruffled, Capablanca replied, "Sir, if you could beat me, I would know you."Source
Monday, April 25, 2005
Chess and Shopping
Jerry has now relocated to the new USCF headquarters in Crossville, TN. His wife Ruth and daughters Sarah and Rebekah will join him after the end of the current school year. Does his family enjoy chess? "My wife hates strategy games! My daughters learned the rules of chess but do not play. Now, if I could figure a way to combine chess with shopping – well, then, I suspect both my daughters would soon become grandmasters!"
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Chess and Baseball III
Play Games! USAOPOLY, makers of the popular new MONOPOLY®: Red Sox(tm) World Series® Champions Collector's Edition, bring more head to head game play to Red Sox fans with the arrival ofIt's interesting that they are not targeting "young Yankees fans ages 7+." The young New Yorkers, after thoroughly dominating the first half of the game, would probably throw away their advantage by hanging their queen.Red Sox vs. Yankees Chess. Packaged in a keepsake collector's tin, Red Sox vs. Yankees Chess takes the classic strategy game and transforms it into the historic Red Sox Yankees rivalry. Baseball players represent the familiar playing pieces, which are dressed in authentic MLB(tm) uniforms and poised for action. Officially licensed by Major League Baseball Properties, it's Chess with an historic MLB(tm) rivalry twist. Available at local specialty stores such as Barnes & Noble, Olympia Sports, as well as online at and Makes a great gift for young Red Sox fans ages 7+.
Semper Fi
“At our level of chess, it’s not so much preparing for tournaments, it’s being able to recognize what must be done in key positions in order to overrun your opponent’s position,” said Farrell. “Your opponent’s formation is consistently changing. You must be able to adapt to their changes, identify and take advantage of their weaknesses, while covering your own, just like fire and maneuver in the Marine Corps.”Read "Quantico chess player places in recent tournament on base" from Marine Corps News.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
The game of life
Today, life is like a chess game. Black and white squares make up the patterns of emotion. At times, I feel like the King (or Queen to be correct). Invincible. Strong. The last one standing. Other times, I feel like I am the pawn waiting to be overtaken. Jumping through hoops. Waiting for my fate. In one moment, I am reality checked.
Friday, April 22, 2005
Does the Vatican have a chess club?
Rebecca Hartong argues that an all-male Catholic priesthood is no big deal:
If you want a religion that's pretty much like Catholicism but with women as priests become a Lutheran or an Episcopalian. Insisting that the Roman Catholic church ordain women is joining the chess club and then insisting that everyone should play parcheesi.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Barbecued Ribs, Beer & Chess
I've said it once and I'll say it again: you can't tailgate for a chess match.
Don is dead! Long live Don!
Of course, you can continue to read about Don's adventures in other spheres of human endeavor (no pun intended?!) elsewhere.
Tal and the Hippopotamus
I don't know from what associations the hippopotamus got onto the chess board, but although the spectators were convinced that I was continuing to study the position, I, despite my humanitarian education, was trying at this time to work out: just how would you drag a hippopotamus out of the marsh?It seems that our newest Knight, Scitcat, is familiar with this story as he has titled his blog "To drag out of the marsh the hippopotamus!" Stop by and wish him luck in his quest towards Tal-like chess prowess.
Speaking of Tal, apparently his spirit is alive and well in another Knight's subconscious mind.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Chess Poetry IV
Chess is a game, life is the pieces./ Moms, dads, and uncles. Aunts, siblings, nieces./ All positioned on the checkerboard of time/ Each thinking that the other one is just a ball of slime./....Compared to some of the others, this one actually rhymes.
Recent finds in the chess blogosphere
- Dennis Monokroussos is in the process of setting up his new chess blog. Here's a sneak peek at The Chess Mind.
- ChessFanatic has apparently been around for several years. However, posting has been rather infrequent over the past year or so. The Knights might find this early post interesting.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
"Old Media" mention
....Massachusetts, without any governmental money or notable chess charities, still distinguishes itself with its chess activities. It has a number of chess clubs and two very powerful ones -- Metrowest in Natick, which has a very large monthly turnout, and Boylston, which has tournament features most of the week and an active blogging chess site, courtesy of [DG]....
From "Chess Notes" by Harold Dondis and GM Patrick Wolff
In our neighborhood
Monday, April 18, 2005
Extraterrestrial Chess
54. play chess with an alienActually, this is fairly easy to accomplish if you live in California, Arizona or many large U.S. metropolitan areas.
Problematic problems
Distinct from the competitiveness of a chess match, the chess problem is posed not to defeat an opponent, but rather to invite the solver on a voyage of discovery in its eventual solution.On the surface this seems to make sense, though I've read many a Knights Errant post expressing resignation, exasperation, frustration and defeat.
Beyond chess obsession
Your hedges have all been pruned to resemble chess pieces.Something like this...
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Beavers can't play chess, only checkers.I have no idea what this means.
Chess and Cooking
This question is only brought further into focus after a chef I work with talked with me about how working in a kitchen is like playing game of chess. You're never thinking about what you're doing now ... you're thinking three, four steps ahead.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Who says there's no chess on television? II
The new and improved knight
...I was thinking about the knight, then I suddenly had the urge to improve it (or to use the chess variation lingo, "augment it"). What if, I asked myself, there was a chess variant where the knight is an (n, n-1) leaper? It could still move like the orthodox knight (i.e. n = 2), but it would be far more powerful.
Friday, April 15, 2005
Card Sharks
Even before he entered kindergarten, Greg Shahade excelled at chess. In the two decades since, he has worked his way up to the second highest level, just below grand masters like recently retired world champion Gary Kasparov.Read "Online poker: Easy money for smart people?" from The Poker Gazette.
After living on a fellowship and then teaching for a couple years, he tired of trying to eke out a living as a professional chess player.
So two years ago, the 26-year-old turned to playing online poker and found, not surprisingly, that his analytical skills were perfectly suited for the card game.
He's made more than $100,000 during that time....
Additionally, Shahade has taken on a new poker project: teaching his younger sister Jennifer how to play. Although she's only been competing online since January, the two-time U.S. women's chess champion has already won some small cyber tournaments.
At first she was hesitant about online gambling, but she embraced it after her mother urged her to. "Jen, you should play poker," the matriarch said. "It's free money for smart people."
Chess and Computer Network Security
There's a popular proverb among chess players: "A man surprised is half beaten." A classic game of defense and offense, tactics and strategy - in which both analytical and intuitive thinking come into play and knowing your enemy is tantamount to winning - chess has many lessons for those who are responsible for network security. Chess player or system administrator, neither can afford to be caught with his guard down.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Poker Knight
I believe my problem is my thought process and my practice strategy. I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t have a thought process or a practice strategy.Why not shower him with suggestions and relevant links from the assembled Knights? I'm looking forward to see how this experiment pans out.
Reading (0) 0 Sheffield United (0) 0
"We were expecting a bit of blood and thunder but it was more like a game of chess."It must have been reminiscent of the game Leko vs. ... well, Leko vs. anyone. Read "Moves fail in 'chess game'" from the Telegraph.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Of mice and knights
Chinese Chess exhibit
Teaching Teachers to Teach
(Hat Tip: Dennis M's Chess Site)
FICS, PGN & MS Outlook
Fraktál won't care (in fact, he probably stopped reading after the first word in the title), but if anyone else has experienced similar problems, Rich offers a fix.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
GM Susan Polgar

GM Jean Luc Chabanon
Chabanon and his collaborators have produced a "network" of chess-related blogs in both French and English.
L'univers du jeu sur GMI Shabanovsky - Echec et Mat - Balle de Match - Moogy Friends - Cours d'échecs
Shabanovsky vs Bloggers - Mooggy - Chess Report - Take the Rook - Chess Lesson with a Grandmaster
See also GM Chabanon's list of French chess sites, many of which have sections that are blog-like.
Classic Chess Blogs
2004 Boylston Chess Club Championship
Dennis M's Chess Site
Jon Edward's Chess BLOG
Man de la Maza
Other Knights Errant

Quest on hiatus or abandoned: Lithium - Hisbestfriend - Cratercat - Allegro - Farhad - Keystor - Sir Rocky Rook - Montse - Grande Merda - Korsmonaut - Hard Days Knight - Karpyan - Abend - Sir Piño - Dr. Munky - Generalkaia - Pendrax - Born Again - Samurai Pawn - Board Scholar - LuckyBobby - Guru - SirJ - Gregory - Druss - JavaManIssa - Smith-Morra - Knightwiz - Hooked - Silver Dragon - Fatboy - Viking Sword - Desperate Measures - Yet Another Patzer
Knight's blogs which went 404: The Common Man - Zeon - Harmless - Pawned No More
Knight's blogs which were hijacked: Blue Rook - Vic (endgame) - Dragonslayer - Dluzewski - St. Patzer - SiliconPawn - Daland - Funkyfantom - Old Fart - Mate in Three - Orange Knight
Other Chess Blogs
Burning Castles - Chessjamp - Isolanis - Takodori's Entrance to Shogi World - Pale Rider - Knight Skewer - Hardcore Pawnography - Caught in the Fire - The Back Rank - Shakmaty Bereolos - Gambit - Patzer's Corner - Strong Among the Weak - Rook Van Winkle's Chess Blog - CheckMate
Chess for All Ages - Chess Notes - The Chess Coroner - Chess Training Blog - Chess Teaching - ChessExpress - Chess Practice - Chess Apocalypse Now - The Chess Buzzard - The Chess Archives - Chess-Squared - Chess Galore - Chess Musings - Chess Training - Chess Corner - Chess Here - Chess as I see it
About Chess - Gila Chess Blog - My Chess Games - Scholastic Chess Gateway - Blog of a Chess Nut - Mediocre Chess - World Chess Championship Blog - VICKI chess engine - Secrets of Grandpatzer Chess - Potentially boring chess blog - Gothic Chess Hangout - My Road to Chess Improvement! - Learning Chess and Go - Diary of an Itinerant Chess Player - Mostly Chess Tactics
Mike Serovey On Chess - Derik's Chess School - Jim West On Chess - Alec's Chess Blog - Sverre's Chess Corner - SonOfPearl's Chess Blog - Dadian Chess - Mida's Chess Corner - Randy's Chess Blog - Steve's Correspondence Chess Adventure - Shaun M. Smith's Road to USCF Master
Royal Lopez Chess Club - IndianChessNews - BCM Chess - Nigeria Chess Player Forum - Goan Chess - West Coast Junior Chess - FMO Chess Club News - Our Lady of Lourdes Chess Club - Philippine Chess - Buffalo Niagara Chess Corner - Brighton & Hove Chess Club - Altrincham & Hale Chess Club - Chess In Canada's Capital/2007 Canadian Open Chess Championship Blog - Bangladesh Chess - FCPL Chess News - Kenyan Chess Blog - Lansing Chess Club - NI Chess News - The Chess Club - MMU Melaka Chess Club - Delaware Chess Weblog - India Chess - Mill Valley Chess Team - Snodland Chess Club
Sarah's Chess Journal - The Homepage of Ben Finegold - Grow With Chess - Blogs
Podcasts/Video Blogs: PE's Chess Cast -
Commercial: ChessAssistance - The Chess House News - Knight of Chess Academy - Chess Sets, Chess Design, Chess Sales
Catalan: Zeitnot ! - Escacs La Farga
Portuguese: Odivelas Chess Blog Extraordinaire - Viriatovitch Chess - Alverca-X
Spanish: Xake Joko Batzordea - Comisión de Ajedrez (Euskara also) - Super Ajedrez Gratis - Grupo de Ajedrez La Proa - Escuela Uruguaya De Ajedrez - Problemas de Ajedrez - Las Aventuras de Sarakhatkhan (Georgian also) - Amigos del Circulo de Ajedrez de Villa del Parque - CTD Naranco Ajedrez - Nuestro Ajedrez Uruguay - Ajedrez Valenciano - Círculo de Ajedrez peonRey - El Club de Ajedrez - Club de Ajedrez Trovero Marín - Solo Ajedrez - En Jaque - Ajedrez 365 - Ars Defendendi - Danichess - Paranoias de un Tomate - CHESS COACH , ajedrez a la orden - El Blog de ajedrez de Gransiurell - Noticias Ajedrez Tenerife - Comentarios De Ajedrez - LoboChess - Te queda un Peon - Ajedrez en la Escuela - Genios64 - Vídeos de Ajedrez - Caissa Blog
Italian: Jazztrain
French: L'echiquier Lempdais - Club D'échecs "La Tour Infernale" Isbergues - Cercle d'Echecs de Saverne - Vladimir Kramnik - ...Un sport, un art, une science... - Echecs 64 - Chess 38 - Le Joueur D'échecs - Club D'echecs du Vesinet - Canal Saint Martin Echecs - Echecs & Fab - Echecs Mag - Echecs Variables - Club d'Echecs de Chambéry - Echecs, cinéma, TV et DVD... léger - Philippe Dornbusch: Chess & Strategy - Pokemon Chess - chesseldacar - The blog of a Chess Player
Dutch: HMC Calder - Alberts SchaakBlog - Schaakpraat - Schakend - De Denkwijze Van Een Schaker - NB Chess Blog
German: Schachblog - Schach-Ticker - Rank zero - Chess Boxing Club Berlin
Polish: Wydarzenia Ciekawostki Szachowe
Bulgarian: Nikola’s ChessBoard
Finnish: Shakkiblogi
Estonian: Vaatleja
Persian: رخ در رخ
Tamil: அறுபத்தைந்தாம் கட்டம்
Malay: Dunia Catur Saya
Japanese: ロレンの部屋 - Tocoma03のブログ - Nagoya Chess Club
Pragmatic Chess Player - Chess Moves - Tao of Chess - Adrian's Chess - MC Chess - Chess Crusade - Chess Stamps and Envelopes Collection - North American Chess Association - Winston-Salem Chess Association - All About Chess - Williams College Chess Club - Minda Catur Enterprise - Is It Recess Yet??? - Vinny's Chess Adventures
Vladimir Kramnik - Chess Game in Colour - Clint Prong's Chess Blog - At Least I Tried - - My Chess Training - Hóember Chess Blog - Krannjik's Chess Blog - Improve Your Chess! - Yet Another Chess Blog - Alice's Chess Blog - Karnataka Chess - Carlos Hemmers - The Chess Apprentice - Chess For You - CHESSgenie
FM Marcel Martinez - Chessology - Jepoma's Chess Blog - Best Chess Coach Blog - Piece Shuffler - PlasticBishop - Bobby Fischer Chess Blog - Santa Sophia Academy Chess Club - Neil's Chess Page - Doing Chess - ChessKibitzer - National University of Singapore Chess Club - Chess Maze - Jerry Chess - The 64 Square Jungle - Become a Chess Expert
Scholastics Chess Tournament - The Supreme Knight - Chess and Stuff - Chess Zoom - Online Chess Blog - LJ Chess Players - Chess Thoughts - Chess Thoughts(2) - Akron Chess Club Blog - San Francisco Mechanics - Chess, Diary - ChessUp - JG's Master Quest - Heather Swan's Blog - Chien Ming Chess Blog - ChessVault - Chess Powa
DreadPirateJosh - Chess and Analysis - GVSS Chess Club - Delphifire's Chess Blogger - Pawn to rook 4 - Niles North Chess - Zabbura's Games - The Chess Player - Patzer's Mind - The Chess House - Jim Eade's Chess Journal - Chess Tiger Chess Rimau - World Chess Entertainment - Simone's Chess Blog - C's Chess - Texas Chess Association
Just Chess - Chesswitch - Sonja's Chess Journey - World of Chess - BlueEyedRook - Efficient Chess - Brutal-Chess - What's New on Chess Planet? - The Chessic Musings Of The Manley Nick - Victor Reppert's Chess Blog - Chess by Andy - Dagoth's Board Room - Chess Live Blog - Earl's Chess Blog - Pawn's Progress - MagicMadness - Magnifichess
Filipino Chess Players - Carlos Hemmers - Ogden Chess Club - The Royal Game - IM Emilio Cordova Fan Blog - Dinomike's Chess Blog - Chess960 News - Kell High School Chess Club - Modern Defense - Chess In Goa - And Then There Was Chess - Gambits and Pieces - Chessola - Kelab Catur Setia Kuantan - Chess Relearner - Emily's Chess Blog
Chess for Blood - Queen's Gambit - Johnny B's Chess Connection - The Chess-ucation of Raths - Wholesale Chess News - Chessalicious - Chess Chumpion - Dan's Correspondence Chess Blog - The Chessmill - Life of King's Bishop - The Ideas Behind Chess Openings - Claremont Chess Club - Chess Opening for Blitz!!! - NYChessKids
GM Jean Luc Chabanon - GM Pascal Charbonneau - GM Jaan Ehlvest
Bill Wall's Chess Blog - ChessVista
Catalan: El món de Caissa - Games two can play - 64 caselles
Portuguese: Salto de Cavalo - Henrique Pinela's Chess Blog - blogue do Alekhine
Spanish: Ajedrez Mundial - Tactica, Tactica, Tactica - Material de Estudio - Galeria de Arte Caissa - NotiChess Latinoamérica - Club Ajedrez Oviedo'93 - Ajedrez Portaliano - C.D.B. Ajedrez Ateneo Albacetense - Chess Corner(2) - Bitácora De Un Ajedrecista - Ajedrez del compuntoes - Club de Ajedrez Ciudad de Gandía - Club d'escacs Quatre Torres - Celadas de Ajedrez - The ChessProjekt - Torneos-correspondencia/email - Ajedrez:"blog practico"
Italian: Società Scacchi Augusta Perusia
French: Le chess boxing - La Mazette - CapaKaspa - Club d'Echecs de Douai - Stephechecs - Echecs Info - The Chess-Mind - Chess 'n' Co - Le blog à Ludo - Cappelle-La-Grande en Nationale 1! - Le blog de jonathan cayla sur les echecs - Tour à tour
Dutch: Duveltje's Schaakweb - Jeugdschakers op WK's en EK's - Ik stond gewonnen - De Schaakfabriek
German: PDA-Schach Weblog
Russian: Chesswebmaster
Malay: MSSMKL Chess News (English also)
Norwegian: Sjakkforum
Persian: شطرنجباز (English also)
Note: italics indicate no RSS feed available
See also: Kenilworth Chess Club's Blog page - Blogshare's Top 100 Blogs in Chess - Top Blogs from About Chess
Chess and Reading
Just as one can play too much chess, playing until the tiled floor at the pub becomes a chess board, and the patrons, the pawns and pieces, so too can one read too much fiction, reading until the others around you become unwitting participants in an unintentional drama of fanciful design.
Chess and Freedom
In the game of chess, there are twenty possible opening moves. Once one is made, there are many more possible second moves, depending on that first move. Other moves will have been denied you by the very fact of that first move. Would it then make sense to say that your freedom is intact only so long as the board remains at status quo ante?
Research Results
In the meantime, please welcome Vic to the Knights Errant. Before someone looks up from CT-Art and tries to offer a name, I dub him the Queen-less Knight (he is focused on endgames, after all).
Monday, April 11, 2005
So far, there has been vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain, headaches, tears, bloody lips, and tantrums, but no actual fatalities.
... anything would have been preferable to staying on the plane another minute, as I was afraid I was going to have to strangle someone with my iPod earbuds. For whatever reason, there was some national youth chess championship in Nashville this weekend, and my flight out was filled with giddy nerds who wanted to celebrate ... by playing more chess.
Not the chess version of CheeseWiz...
Welcome Knightwiz to the Errant collective. Pawn Sensei actually got wind of his pending membership yesterday, but I independently found his first post this morning (my 24/7 search gnomes have yet to perfect a method for finding blogs of prospective Knights before they are created -- but they're still working on it). Seems as though we are entering a new expansion phase.
Cult TV Chess
The Prisoner - Vol. 3 - Episodes 9 To 12 : In 'Checkmate' there is a game of human chess, and the Prisoner is invited to play as the Queen's Pawn. During the game he tries to get information from the Queen, but she is as evasive as everyone else. The game continues, overseen by Number 2 (who is played by Peter Wyngarde of Department S).
Give me chess improvement ...
Someone send this guy a copy of De La Maza's book before he does something rash.
I just must...desperately must....improve my chess playing abilities, at least a modicum. Or give up all hope of ever accomplishing anything in the world. For my theory is that an over-the-hill middle aged geek can at least slightly improve his mastery of chess (not sure mastery is the correct term to use here). And if that turns out not to be the case -- and indeed, if I prove to myself only that my slight mental faculties are in fact substantially on the decline -- then I will have learned something totally useful. I will realize that its time to start scaling back on everything pleasurable in life and go coffin shopping.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
International Relations
Back at the hostel the beer flowed like wine and we sat around talking to French and German travelers. I saw these three German dudes playing chess and introduced myself for a game. They had the intensely intellectual, caustic, and borderline-haughty air of Germans playing chess in a cafe. The guy I played, Benjamin, immediately made 2 huge mistakes. 1.) He couched the game in terms of an American/German international rivalry, and 2.) he underestimated me and tried to get me with “Scholar’s Mate,” the oldest trick in the book. Needless to say I dispensed him with ease with a drop kick to the face.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Where have all the chess players gone?
so few chess players...everybody's thumbing around on their stupid PlayStations all the time.
Friday, April 08, 2005
Think like a Grandmaster
Suppose you're about to learn something totally new to you. Let's say it's learning to play chess. In the first scenario, imagine you don’t care how good you get and that you just want to try it to see how it goes for you. In the second scenario, picture yourself as a next world chess champion, putting even Gary Kasparov's amazingly successful career to shame. Can you see how the second attitude will sharpen your focus for learning chess today -- right now -- even if you never do become a grandmaster? What would you do differently with the second attitude that you wouldn't do with the first?
The attitude of mastery causes you to take a long-term strategic approach to learning. You understand that any early weaknesses will be magnified as you progress, so you take the time to lay a solid foundation with no gaps.
In search of chess problems
Thursday, April 07, 2005
i've read that children, when they begin their chess careers, immediately know how far they are able (and unable) to take their skills. unlike most activities, where hope springs eternal, chess kids know from an early age whether or not they are capable of being a grandmaster. i'm not sure the reasoning behind this, but it's interesting nonetheless. after all, what kid with a basketball doesn't think he'll grow up to become the next michael jordan? why is it that children realize they cannot become the next kasparaov, the next capablanca, even when they've barely scratched their talents? is the answer "honesty?" is it because young chess players realize that they cannot see past a certain barrier when they play? and that as much as they train, they'll never have that magical "it" that'll enable them to advance to the uppermost levels of chess?
Chess Drama Queen
Susan Polgar has joined the off Broadway play FIT TO KILL as their Chess Consultant. The show will open on April 11, 2005 at the Clurman Theatre located at 410 West 42nd Street in New York City.
Update (4/10/05): Here is an article about the play and Susan's role from Playbill.
Since chess players can't get dates...
I love the Sveshnikov since there is absolutely no reason it should work. It's ugly, it contravenes so many of the obvious principles of chess openings. But somehow it works - it's aggressive, it irritates the opponents; a bit like Wimbledon's plastic pitch from the 80s really.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Another chess improvement plan
Chess and Gender
Katrina says she doesn't see any difference in the way girls and boys play chess. "Except the girls are the best in our school," she says with a smile.Read "Tiny strategists match wits in local chess tourney" from The Salt Lake Tribune.
After watching the tournament for years, however, Michael McIntosh says he definitely sees a difference between the boys and girls.
"The boys come out after a game and say 'I crushed them. I killed them. I wiped them out,'" said McIntosh, chess coach at Bonneville Elementary in Salt Lake City and a former tournament director. "The girls will come out and say, 'She was really nice,' or 'I let her take a piece because I felt bad for her.'"
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Chess Art II
...a Maurizio Cattelan in Richard Gray was the sensation of the fair. Titled "Good Versus Evil", it is a chess set that includes in the Good side figures like Mother Teresa and in the Evil side the likes of Hitler and Stalin. Amazingly crafted and painted, funny and historically responsible, it is a great table-size example of Cattelan's humor without the grandeur and excessiveness of his roomed installations.
George Bernard Shaw on Chess
Chess Cognition
There is a significant body of evidence suggesting that experts build mental pictures in a different way from novices. The classic expert/novice study was conducted in 1973 by William Chase and Herbert Simon: they found that expert chess players could remember board positions much better than novices. However, if the position on the board did not represent an actual game, the experts were no better than novices. So it seemed that, rather than simply having a better facility for remembering chess pieces, the experts were more readily able to “chunk” common patterns found in chess games. More recent research suggests that rather than chunking, experts are probably using “templates” in which most elements are constant, but a few key variables may be changed.Read "Psychologists predict NCAA basketball results" from Cognitive Daily.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Chess in Wichita
Chess players in Wichita have a new place to make all the right -- and sometimes wrong -- moves.Read "Chess Center" from WIBW 13 News.
The William Sanders Independent World Chess Championships Incorporated Facility opened yesterday.
The center is named after William Sanders, a chess enthusiast who has contributed time and money getting people, especially children, interested in the game. Sanders is also father of NFL running back Barry Sanders.
Mining comments again
When I make a mistake, it shows me the Red and Blue squares. Next it gives me the simpler alternate problem on the right side of the screen.
You refer to what are known as "the arrows of shame," "the squares of ignorance," and the ever frustrating "idiot box."
2. Jim also expressed concern about his addiction to purchasing chess books, to which Don replied...
Don't worry, Jim. Even if you don't read 'em, chess books are a babe magnet.
3. CelticDeath posted on some technology improvements he had installed at his house. Pale Dun's response leaves no doubt that he really is from Montana:
What? No bomb shelter? No American home is complete without the ultimate accessory of global paranoia. I have two.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Touch Move -- No Way!
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Creating scale
Reykjavik (C-BN). Following directly on the heels of a rambling interview by former chess champion Bobby Fischer, Iceland has decided to cash in on its greatly increased presence in the news by offering citizenship to Michael Jackson.
Magnus Bjorgson, spokesman for the Icelandic government, stated "It has been a long time since Iceland has been in the news; we've awakened to the potential advertising bonanza available by becoming a refuge for all sorts of American freaks and whackos...."
Special rules for Canadians
YOU KNOW YOUR A HOCKEY FAN IF... You're not allowed to play chess simply because the first time you played, you misunderstood the meaning of the word "Check."Read "HOCKEY FANS ONLY!" from Life's dandy.
Another depressing thought
...this life is just a chess match, and you are just a pawn. a pawn can be replaced...Read "Numb" from Depressive Moments.
Friday, April 01, 2005
Hey it ain't checkers, baby
Some years ago, C. tried to teach me to play chess. Foolishly, I figured that since I could knock off a mean game of checkers, chess would be a piece of proverbial cake. After all, how different could the games be, if they were played on the same board with what seemed to me to be a similar objective?Apparently chess has some special rules that even long time players like myself aren't aware of.
Suffice it to say that after several hours - long, long hours - of frustration on both our parts, we agreed to put away the chessboard and find another means of recreation, preferably in which the rules were not intimidating in their number, were at least marginally clear and did not require me to take notes in order to engage in play. can move this way but not that way and this piece can only move in this direction but only when the sun is in scorpio and the wind blows northwest and you have the secret handshake and password unless it's Tuesday in which case you also have to have your decoder ring.
Fool me once...
Today at noon Bobby Fischer will be playing a series of concurrent table chess games at the shopping mall down the hill from where I work [in Reykjavik].Or how about this one?
Drexel's chess team has been hit with two years of probation from the NCAA after they learned of recruiting improprieties. The improprieties have been occurring for at least five years and include providing recruits with access to controlled substances and women.
Chess and Blood
Families are like chess, [they] require much strategy and make your brain hurt - but ultimately [they're] rewarding.